I love a good bubble bath! Who doesn’t? Its so relaxing to be in a steamy bathroom with yummy smells from bubble bath floating through the air and your body all warm and cozy in a bath tub covered in hot water… Except I’m not a little kid, and I do not fit into a bathtub anymore. Which is why I love shower steamers! Hot, steamy, yummy smelling goodness while I don’t have to feel like a beached whale because I don’t fit into a bathtub designed for children.

The best part about shower steamers is how easy they are to make.  Now honestly I have tried a few variations on this recipe, but this is my favorite. And this is another recipe that you really need to be relaxed with.  As much as I would love to say follow the directions, don’t. Use the directions as a guide.

To start, all you need is baking soda, water, a bowl, a spoon and a tray. If you want to get fancy you can use a silicone mold.

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Measure your baking soda into the bowl, today I used 2 cups.

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Add water. This is where you really need to play around with the amounts. I used about 3/4 a cup. Its a dry fall day today!Shower Steamer - 3 (1)


To decide if you have the right amount of water, stir.  The mixture should be easy enough to mix, but firm enough that you could use it like a baking soda paste.

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Scoop the mix either onto a tray, or a mini muffin tin, or my favorite the silicone mold.

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Some recipes will tell you to add essential oils before baking. I do not recommend this. Sometimes heating the oils can change their chemistry. And more importantly, I don’t know what kind of mood I will be in when I use these.  I prep them unscented and put a drop of oil on them right before I use them.

Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 350 degrees.

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When the timer goes off, turn off the oven.  Don’t remove the discs.  Let those cool in the oven as the oven cools! That is the trick.  Especially if you are using a baking sheet, or a muffin tin. It needs to cool or they won’t pop out nicely.  And yes I have ruined a few batches trying this out! Let the oven and the discs cool, then store in a cool dry place.  You can store them in a zip top bag, an air tight container, or get fancy and use a canning jar.  I would recommend storing them outside of the bathroom, the humidity changes too much inside the bathroom, so unless you are going to use them quickly I would keep them in a linen closet elsewhere.

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To use them simply put a couple drops of your favorite essential oils on the discs and place them on the floor of your shower. Put the disc somewhere where it will get wet enough to release the oil into the steam, but not so wet that it dissolves instantly.  Remember in the shower, the disc is really just acting as a carrier to get the oil into the steam and prolonging it so that it doesn’t rinse down the drain immediately.

Have fun finding your perfect steamy shower scent!

Printable Recipe Shower-Steamers